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Everything posted by UBFAN2001

  1. I went to UB from '97 to '01. When I was a freshman and sophomore the Bulls were in the Mid-Continent Conference. Then they moved up to the Mid American Conference in 1999. The team lost a lot more than they won. Then they finally got close with Turner Battle in 2005 but lost on a tip. Anyway, I dont know if you were around during those building years until the team finally won the MAC Championship in 2015. But if you've gone through watching the team lose for a long time, you wouldnt think about leaving early when they are finally this successful and competitive.
  2. Seemed like Harris hit every shot last year. This year has been a real struggle.
  3. I guess I would understand why Reghi and Jackie are Akron Homer's if they only covered Akron but Reghi is a Kent State Homer, Ohio Homer etc.
  4. John Groce is the biggest prick coach in the league. From Ohio to Akron same shit different day.
  5. Why is Oats just letting Akron roll the ball up the court?
  6. What is going on at UBBullrun? No game feed thread.
  7. Michael Reghi the most annoying broadcaster in the MAC.
  8. I read Jalen Hurts is looking to transfer 😀.
  9. Anyone see this? https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2018/10/10/nflers-wife-fires-back-crazy-college-student-obsessed-with-us/amp/ https://bustedcoverage.com/2018/10/09/jordan-poyers-side-piece-summer-rae-wife-rachel-bush-ig-beef-is-on/
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