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Everything posted by UB85

  1. Reasonable. But weren’t people saying pre season that this team would have more depth and potentially nearly as good as last years team. I know there were a lot of extremely optimistic pre season outlooks. Now we’ve seen these guys be world beaters to a low mid one would have to say the season has been a successful one. A few more wins would go a long long way.
  2. And Kent wins! I’m not sure what the flaw is, but there is a serious one with this team. If we had just a stinker or two you could write it off. But after tonight it’s at least six if not more. I suspect leadership is one problem. Anyway time to file this one away, learn what you can and then beat the crap out the zippos Saturday. Go get ‘em guys!!!
  3. Because if they could lose every game I would be happy. Just a huge fan of any team that plays those ............!
  4. Well I’m still happy. Akron gets what they deserve a Big L!!!
  5. I wouldn’t blame this one on the refs. I’d start with a serious lack of focus and intensity then go from there
  6. Absolutely!!!! But these guys aren’t fighting during the game. They get burned on the same plays repeatedly. Either dumb players or poor coaching.
  7. Is it me or has Graves defensive ability regressed substantially from last year?
  8. Mballa should defend VP! And needs to get his rear going because he is emotional leader of this team.
  9. He deserves it. He works his tail off every second he’s on the court. I’d like to see our guys learn a thing or two from him.
  10. Fortunately I missed the first half. But it sounds like Dr. Jekyll showed up tonight. Meanwhile sounds like Ohio is playing in manner that befits the game, great team basketball not the NBA selfish and me-first version that is so prevalent today.
  11. Hasn’t he had injury problems for quite a while now?
  12. How about shot blocker?
  13. They've got to do a much better job defending Vander Plas.
  14. Gotta start with a win Tuesday. I can’t wait to see Akron get knocked off again.
  15. I watched some of the Virginia Pitt game yesterday. Tony Bennett is the best defensive coach in the NCAA. And his big guys all stepped up and challenged the opposing dribbler on the ball screen. Not sure why we didn’t against Kent but I wish we did.
  16. Mental illness is no joke. However having read the BG board on Frye it seems far more likely that he was pissed with the coach’s pattern of substitutions and how it affected him. Having watched him closely over the last four years this seems very likely as he always seemed like a pampered prima Donna on the court. Now if it is mental illness than of course the kid gets a pass.
  17. Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I respect your view, but as the play ran Friday and I’ve seen run countless times before showed not starting the play at 10 seconds or more, unless you have someone who can create his shot at will and we don’t have that, is doomed to failure. And your approach imo is playing not to lose. I much prefer to have a positive mental outlook and believe that my guys are better than yours and seize the moment.
  18. Huge game Tuesday night!!! Gotta bring it from the opening tap.
  19. Those two knuckleheads should be banned from the airways.
  20. It can work. Just have to have the right player and play. BG just beat Ohio with a Justin Turner basket with 2.2 to go. Turner got a screen, a switch, rest of teammates were on baseline (eg plenty of room to go one on one.) and after making the big guy look silly made the basket. And he didn’t go at it until 6.9 seconds left. Boals blew it from the Ohio bench. Absolutely no bobkitten even moved to help. And to rub salt in the wounds Ohio missed the front end of a one and one with 17 seconds left.
  21. To allow it to happen is just poor preparation. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! It would be different if we had a player who was so far superior to everyone on the floor that you could guarantee a good shot. We are not that lucky. You must start the play whatever it is with more than 7-8 seconds in the clock especially when that play darts near half court.
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