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Everything posted by yussi1870

  1. The students will be back in Feb and then the atmosphere will be good
  2. He had covid and is still recovering. They touched on it in the post game broadcast.
  3. The best teams play better than the refs. We used to play better than the refs.
  4. I don’t know. Teams that have great FT shooting percentages, and I mean like first standard deviation, they ask the coach how he does it, it’s not a given just because of the team’s talent. Usually the coach answers with some practice, practice, practice kind of thing, like no one leaves until they’ve made 10 in a row.
  5. Many coaches require their players to shoot free throws as part of practice. Does JW?
  6. Would you still be in favor of this if the result is a promotion of one of his assistants?
  7. Haven’t we gone with a top HS or community college coach before? St Johns can explain the benefits of a former NBA player coach.
  8. I’d be pleased if this were a rebuilding year. The team plays and acts like one. I can’t image what a real Whitesell rebuilding year team will look like. Seems like he has enough supporters to ensure we’ll get a chance to find out.
  9. Can’t blame Whitesell for this team being unprepared? Not sure why he doesn’t have the team practicing free throws? It’s a basic skill. Also they need to practice for 40 minute games, not 20.
  10. Who taught Mballa to carry a free throw shooting stance twice the width of his body?
  11. Is the MAC able to use the shortcut through Canada, or are the teams taking the long way?
  12. Are we allowed to Zoom him into the game so he can participate, albeit remotely?
  13. Thanks for this detailed and thoughtful response.
  14. You say the program made a wise decision. That will be based on results. So far it is not looking good. You say the MAC is a strong conference. Maybe it was in years past when it was a multiple bid conference. Now? I'm not sure the MAC is better even than the MAAC. You say there is patience to wait a year or two. Can we afford those delays? Isn't the writing on the wall? You say the job will be more desirable after failure. Why?
  15. Maybe you were one of the ones who supported Spoon to the end. There were so many on this board like that.
  16. It’s because we weren’t heard during the Spoon era. Now we have to double down. Also, good to see so many caring these days. It used to be so few
  17. Let’s move the virus debate to its own thread
  18. Right because as soon as they win even one game the players start to think they’re heading to the NBA and it messes out their game. Coach ignores it. Then we lose.
  19. Thinking back to just prior to the game, UB came out to watch the end of the Niagara game, and then for some on court practice. Segu showed a ton of energy, even racing across the court to grab basketballs on a cart for his teammates. Meanwhile the rest of the team looked awed and out of place, almost unsure of what they should be doing. Compare that to Canisius which was running drills and exercise in tandem. Also, while UB spent an extra 10 minutes on the court “warming up” Canisius was in the locker room getting detailed on the strategy. When the game started one team was comfortable and confident while the other team had one guy with his head in the game (Segu) and the rest not sure where they were or what they were supposed to do.
  20. For the sake of arguing the difference is that this is a rivalry game and Spoon wanted to show it.
  21. How sad that the best that can be said for him is he didn’t lose as bad as people thought he would
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